Tom in Iraq as a Military Observer

Tom in Iraq as a Military Observer
They sent me here just to watch...

Friday, January 29, 2016

Narcissist in Chief?

Donald Trump did not attend what was the 7th Republican televised debate.  He made sure that would be the news of the day and that everyone would be talking about him.  He held an event for veterans.  Good for him.  The problem is that Mr. Trump always does what is good for him. 

This time veterans were there to be manipulated for his glory.  He is trying to do the same with Christians but the reality is that it is all about him all the time.  Washington has enough narcissists already.  We surely don’t need a narcissist in chief.

Yes, Trump has donated to veterans causes before but to use his own words as he addressed his previous social and business relationship with Hillary Clinton, he expected something in return.

I am not thrilled about any of the candidates from either party.  Each has their strength and weaknesses but Trump is consistent in everything being all about him.  I expect to see his concern for veterans and Christians or whatever group he is courting on a given day to fade away as soon as it doesn’t satisfy his grandiose view of himself.

Live by well ordered priorities or go home

Let the voters decide if we should pay more tax for education.  

Put more tax on cigarettes to pay for it.


Education must be a priority.  The state does not fund national defense.  Education must be our first or second priority as a state—nothing less.  If some things don’t get funded because education is funded as it should be, then that’s the cost of living by well ordered priorities. 

If legislators want the people to vote on a tax for something that ranks 129th among other priorities, that’s fine; but to abandon their duty to fund what is essential to the future of this state is cowardice.  There is no sugar coasting here.  If this is where our current elected officials are headed, we need to send them all home.

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

We had better get involved before it's gone...

Why don’t we have enough money for education?  Why are there homeless veterans?  Why do we spend money on other things that don’t seem important?  The answer is simple and we won’t like it.  

Our money goes where our priorities lie.  It is really that simple. 

But those are not my priorities! 

When we elected men and women to represent us and their main objective was to remain in power, they supplanted our priorities with their own.  By our apathy and ambivalence in this business of self-government, we have surrendered our priorities.  If education or health care or taking care of veterans is important to you; elect someone who will serve as a statesman not a politician.  This business of living in a democratically elected republic takes work on our part.  It is still a blessing, but it takes ongoing participation by the electorate.

We need to participate in this ongoing process or we will abdicate the premise that power derives from the people.