Tom in Iraq as a Military Observer

Tom in Iraq as a Military Observer
They sent me here just to watch...

Saturday, October 27, 2018

Why I will vote Republican in this Age of Confusion

Not long ago, I asked online what the Democratic Party stood for—I had been reading a Hate Trump sort of post.  I got one vanilla reference to a third-party sight that at least mentioned some differences between the two parties, but I have yet to hear a Democrat articulate their objectives, save get elected and impeach Trump. 

I grit my teeth whenever I think about Americans of any party seeking to overthrow a legal election by circuitous and subversive means. There is a presidential election in 2 more years.  If you don’t like the president—even if you hate him—the Constitutional way to overthrow our Chief Executive is already in place in 2020.   I still ask for someone to state with clarity what the Democratic Party really wants for this nation.

Taking that into consideration, I thought I should hold myself to the same standard and enumerate what the Republican Party stands for.  This is my list, which is surely not comprehensive but at least hits 10+ main areas.  Some of these are less Republican Party goals as they are Donald Trump goals.  The latter are annotated below.

I will state in advance that I am not happy with the Republicans sticking to traditional values.  Too many have sold out, especially at the fiscal responsibility level.  At the national level, I still lean right of center on most issues, especially considering some of the anti-American rhetoric from the left, but I should be able to state why.

Here’s my list.

God is welcome
National Defense
Strict Construction of the Constitution
Value Individual Liberties provided in Bill of Rights
Value life from inception to death
Smaller Government
Fiscal Responsibility
Jobs back to America - Trump
Immigration Reform - Trump
Lower Taxes
Reasonable Health Care - Trump
American Uniqueness – Without the USA who will be a light unto the world?
Distinct Separation of Powers—Namely removing judges that usurp legislative and executive power
Civility and Statesmanship
Providing Opportunities for Success over Handouts
Free Markets over Socialism

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

The time has come

It’s been a while since I did more than like a stop hating Trump or Love America more than you hate the President post, but the time has come.

I love this nation and love having served as an officer of this most blessed country as a United States Marine, and I would truly love for the goodness that I have known for over half a century to continue to my children’s children and beyond.

But we are facing a national identity crisis.  Who are we?  Who are these people who hold elected office?  Will we continue as a nation that has long been a light unto the world?

To answer these questions, I have to proffer what might seem to be politically motivated, but it is not.  It is motivated by patriotism and mercy.  What is?

This November, we must vote Republican at the federal level.  The Democratic Party must be decimated at the polls. 

Whoa!  That sounds very political.  I’m not reading any farther.  Let’s think this through first. 

I like the Democratic Party.  This was the party of my parents.  It was considered the party of the people.  Sadly, that party is dead.  It does not exist anymore.

It has become a party governed by a destroy Trump agenda.  It is a party that looks to its past failures instead of ahead to a good future for our nation.  It is a party that has abandoned the truth in search of overturning a legal election in which the outcome went contrary to the hopes of the party.

In previous years, a lost election was cause for self-examination, revision, and revitalization.  “Hey, we lost this one but will get them next time.”  It is a healthy model.

Sadly, today the Democratic Party seeks to overturn the constitutionally elected administration by any means necessary.  This is not healthy.  This is not American.  This is a third world model!

The Democrats must lose and lose big in November.  This does two main things.  It gives the country a chance to receive the benefits of the 2016 election results, something the Democratic Party has attempted to thwart by hook or crook, or both.

Here’s the kicker.  This will be good for the Democratic Party.  At least it will be an opportunity to reset.  Do most Democrats want socialism?  I doubt it.  They may want more government involvement in programs and problem solving than the Republicans, but I seriously doubt that more than a very vocal few want socialism.

The Democratic Party must take its November defeat and remake itself, much more in the image of the traditional party that was known as the Party of the People, not the party of things anti-Trump or anti- American.  Democrats are Americans!  I don’t know any who want to see our country dissolved by some of the current party’s agenda. 

The reformed Democratic Party needs to resume its place somewhat left of center and serve as a balance to the right-leaning Republicans.  This is healthy!  This is needed!  This is completely absent from the current party.

A huge Republican victory in November will preserve our republic for a bit longer and give cause to reform the Democratic Party closer to those who are tired of hating President Trump more than they love America. 

Sadly, the Republican victory will put the Republican Party on the slow track for reform, for this party has lost its way as well.  Fiscal responsibility was once a given for those leaning to the right.  That is no longer the case.  Smaller government and lower taxes have been the ideals of this party in past years, but even those goals are compromised. 

Republicans need to win in November because Democrats are seeking to destroy Trump and don’t care if they take down the country in the process; but Republicans had better get their act together and live faithful to the model which elected them.

Both parties have failed.  Elected officials grow wealthy in office instead of serving the people.  Bureaucracy thwarts the will of the people and rejects the rule of law.  We have taken a wonderful model of representative government, grown lazy, and let it mutate into a modern-day tyrant. 

Can it be fixed?  I pray it is possible, but we must be willing to put forth sustained effort at the electorate level to do this.  Here are my steps to returning to a government of the people, by the people, and most certainly for the people.

1.        Republicans must win in a landslide in November.

2.       Democrats must reform their party based upon a solid left of center vision.  All destroy Trump efforts must cease and be replaced by positive objectives.

3.       If Democrats lose and reform, Republicans will take significant losses in 2020.

4.       Republicans must reform into a solid right of center, fiscally responsible, strong national defense party once again.

5.       The American electorate must vote out career politicians for the next century. 

6.       The power of the American bureaucracy must be obliterated.  Amateur politicians—let’s use the term statesmen or representatives—are needed but must not be consumed by entrenched bureaucrats.
7.       All must be Americans first, and their party affiliation second.  Yes, this applies even and especially when you candidate did not win.

Balance is a good thing.  We seldom achieve it, but we witness the pendulum of political leanings sway back and forth so that we don’t go too far either way.  That is at risk today.  The Democratic Party—yes the party of my parents that perhaps was once truly the party of the people—is on a course to destroy things good and moral and patriotic.

Our liberty that we say we cherish will go next.  I am not willing to see what God has blessed for almost two and one-half centuries go down without a fight.

We need to return to a mindset where the good of the country took precedence over winning at all costs.

Let us not seek the Republican answer or the Democratic answer, but the right answer. Let us not seek to fix the blame for the past. Let us accept our own responsibility for the future.
John F. Kennedy

We must get back to this sort of patriotism.  I wish that we could do it overnight but believe it will be tougher course.  I pray that we will stay the course and preserve this Republic.  I want my children’s children to know its blessings and have their own opportunities to preserve them for their posterity.

Wednesday, June 27, 2018

On Immigration

It’s time for the political scientist to be loosed once again…

Immigration.  It’s not that difficult to fix this with something that is 90% better than what we have.  I doubt that we can hit 100%.  Some people live to be disgruntled.  That disgruntled 10% takes up most of the time and coverage in the media.

For the Christian, we follow the model of God’s Chosen People.  We love one another without qualification.  That includes the alien in our land.

We also obey, pray for, and accept God’s will for our government leaders and our nation’s laws.  The Bible even tells us to pay our taxes.  Bummer.

Render unto Caesar that which is Caesar’s and unto God that which is God’s.  Okay, there are laws concerning entry into the United States.  We have a democratically elected Republic.  If we want to change the laws, most of the time that can be done in the halls of Congress with a quick signature at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. 

But we do have laws.  The ones drawing the most attention right now were in effect for some time.  Enforcement varied.  Conditions have changed.  For those screaming about separated children, their conditions seem to be much better than a few years ago. 

Here’s the whole thing with the separated children issue.  It is a distraction.  Sadly, these children are being used to generate hate against our current president.  Children have been separated for years and those screaming now were silent.  The liberal strategists really don’t want this separation business settled until after November.  They are grasping at straws for something other than I hate Trump to take them into the midterms.

Worse than this is the fact that this whole separation business—which is not new business—is distracting the nation from putting pressure on their lawmakers to fix the immigration issue.  The separation of children is unfortunate.  It is lawful but unfortunate.  The whole process needs to be fixed, but as long as these children are used as I hate Trump political pawns, there is no pressure on Congress to fix the problem. 

Let’s fix immigration.  The president offered a very viable and compassionate solution at the State of the Union.  Schumer and Pelosi would have none of it even though it was much more liberal and compassionate to those who were already in the country illegally than anything they had on the table.  It provided a pathway to citizenship for those already in the country.  The left hates Trump more than they love America.  It is sadly, just that simple. 

Looking at the president’s proposal, the harder sell should have been to the Republicans, but the Democrats dismissed it outright. 

So here we are approaching the celebration of this nations 242nd year of independence and we are focused on children temporarily separated from their parents, that is, if the parents even made the trip with the children, when we should be fixing the entire immigration system.

So we can’t do the proposal put forth in the State of the Union address because it had Trump’s name on it.  Okay, let’s try these basic precepts:

National security includes border security.  There are people in this world who see as their purpose in life to do harm to our nation.  There’s also that common defense thing in the Preamble to the Constitution.  Give the president his wall.  It may or may not have a great return on investment but the lawfully elected leader of this nation who is charged with this massive responsibility thinks it will.  Give him the wall.

Compassion.  We want to welcome people into our nation.  We are still a light unto the world.  We want to be a land of opportunity.  We want people to come who want to be Americans.  We don’t want people who want to do us harm, colonize us, or exploit our resources.  We want people seeking a better life and who want to become a citizen in the process.

Illegal Aliens.  This is an interesting term.  The Bible only mentions aliens in your land.  The concept of illegal alien would have been alien.  God’s Chosen People were aliens—strangers—in the land of Egypt.  The Book of Exodus kicks off with a Pharaoh who did not remember Joseph.  That leader saw a large number of aliens in Egypt, mostly Hebrews, and dealt with the issue by making them slaves.  They were never illegal, but they were aliens.  That slavery lasted over 400 years.  That’s life-changing slavery.  That’s something to remember and passed on to generation after generation, not to dwell on what was done to them, but to give them compassion for the alien in their land.

God sent Moses and Aaron to liberate his people.  They did.  God gave his people commandments, laws, and other decrees but constantly reminded his people what it was to be an alien in another country.  He said to remember what is was like when the shoe was on the other foot.  When you take care of the stranger in your land remember what it was like to be a stranger in another land.  Still, the concept of unlawful entry into a nation was not what it was today.

Borders were not what they were today.  If you were an alien in a land, you were not illegal, but wholly subject to what the sovereign authority wanted to do to you.  It was better to be an alien in the Promised Land.  At least God’s Chosen People were told to show compassion. 

Today, in this country, we have people who have unlawfully enter this nation.  They broke the law the minute they entered the nation.  What do we do?

Security alone would demand apprehension and deportation, but that is neither practical nor compassionate.  There needs to be a road to citizenship.  Yes, they started the process the wrong way.  Are they willing to repent (I had to use some biblical terms) and do they desire to become citizens?  If both answers are yes, then we should give them a pathway to become citizens.  It need not be a short path, but it also need not be arduous. 

There would need to be a deadline for registering for this pathway to citizenship for those classified as illegal aliens.  I would suggest the end of the next calendar year for which the new law would be enacted.  That is, if the law were enacted in 2018, then 31 December 2019 would be the last day to apply for citizenship while in an illegal status.  After that, all illegal aliens would be deported. 

By that time, perhaps the entryway into our nation would be a bit wider through the traditional routes.  What would be included in this pathway to citizenship?  I think that registration, paying taxes and social security premiums would be essential.  Holding down a job on a regular basis would also be required. 

I also think that those entering the nation and desiring to become citizens must learn the national language, which is the American version of English.  I would suggest that for those already in the country, learning the language at a third-grade level would be acceptable.  Sometimes all the desire in the world doesn’t help an adult learn a new language.  All children would be expected to learn the language at an eighth-grade level and graduate high school.  Why not require them to learn at a twelfth-grade level?  Our native-born graduates do well to master our own language at the eighth-grade level. 

These are not arbitrary requirements.  They not only validate the desire for citizenship but equip the immigrant to become an effective citizen who contributes to the good of the nation and his new community. 

I want to be the nation that everyone wishes they could be a part of, a citizen of that nation.  I also know that people want to do us harm and we must be diligent in our national defense and security.  We have some catching up to do but things will not get better until people stop the insanity of fixing nothing at all because they hate the president.

You can’t be people of hate and compassion at the same time.  Let’s put aside our anger and demand that our lawmakers make a better law.  We are better than the vitriol and acrimony that characterize our uncivil discourse these days. 

Let your compassion be for all, even the party or president that you can’t stand, and fix immigration.

We are better than this!

Fix the problem not the blame!

Friday, June 15, 2018

Do you hate President Trump so much that you want peace to fail?

It is hard to believe that so many are finding so many ways to hate President Trump at the expense of the American people, peace, and general civility.  Understand, that if North Korea proceeds on the course that it has for the past 3 decades and initiates war or brings this country to the point where we must be preemptive to save American citizens from a weapon of mass destruction, there is no surgical option.

North Korea is always poised for the invasion of the southern peninsula.  A preemptive strike against a single or multiple missile launch sites will trigger this massive assault on the south.  That means that a preemptive strike must kill North Korean combatants by the tens of thousands, making the United States appear to be a warmonger without regard for human life. 

Failure to preempt a nuclear strike on our own soil or that of an ally will also result in casualties in the tens of thousands.  These will be Americans and our allies. 

Now that President Trump has brought the North Korean dictator to the negotiating table through American strength, let’s pray that he achieves what we never achieved with this regime.  The president may have to walk away from this meeting if the North Koreas try to pull what they have always done in the past, but the North Korean leader knew that going in.

His overtures appear to be much sincerer than anything the world has see since the peninsula was divided at the 38th parallel. Should we not desire success by our president.  That would be success not only for America and the Korean people, but for the region, and the world. 

If you must hate the President, then hate him, but quit hating the good things that he is doing.  The man has some rough edges.  I get that.  We have had presidents like that before, but not in the age of media addiction that we now endure.

Of all of the places where I have served, the Korean peninsula is the last place that I would actually want to fight a war.  I’m too old to serve now, but my empathy is for the soldiers and Marines that would be put in harm's way because so many hated President Trump so much that they prayed for peace to fail and had so little regard for the blood of those who would advance towards the sound of gunfire.

There is a very good possibility that this summit with the North Korean leader will fail.  That is the history between our nations.  The odds are against success. Let that sink in.  The odds are against success. 

If it fails this time—and look closely and compliance and verification agreements—don’t expect spin doctoring as in the past.  Expect to go back to preparing for the worst.  So why not pray for, root for, and hope for peace in this region.  Do you really hate one man so much that you callously put forth the blood of young men and women who will give their lives so readily?

The people of North Korea are oppressed.  A war to liberate them will kill hundreds of thousands of Koreans and Americans.  Liberty and a better life will come through connections made in business and commerce.  Christianity moving north on the peninsula will do more than a thousand precision strikes and megatons of carpet bombing. 

We can get angry with our neighbors to the north and south or in Europe and not even think about going to war with them.  Why?  Because we are connected on so many levels.  We are connected.  North Korea is disconnected from most of the world.

If you must hate President Trump by whatever it is that drives you to hate, then hate him, but quit—please quit—rooting for the failure of the good things that he is doing.  Americans once—until now, always—pulled together when confronting an enemy or potential enemy.  We set aside differences for a time so that we could continue to disagree at some later point.  Unity took hold at the water’s edge.

Are we so petty in our hatred that we will set aside a genuine chance at peace in this region?  Are we so myopic that we would rather see 50,00 American and allied casualties than see President Trump negotiate a win-win deal with a dictator that has always dealt from the bottom the deck until now?

It is hard to believe that even China has been brought into the arena that is pushing for peace.  China knows that stability on the Korean peninsula lessens the drain on our resources.  In a true Machiavellian sense, continued tension between North Korea and America is to their benefit.  I don’t think that America and China will be friends in this polycentric world, but we are moving towards not being enemies and doing things that are for the greater good.

If hate for one man must drive your life, please get out of the lane that prays for peace, values the safety of those forward deployed and ready to go on a moment’s notice, and those that long to see America as a light in a dark world once again.

If you must hate the president, please do it without hating America at the same time.

I am not asking you to stop pursuing what you desire for this nation, only that hate does not supersede a chance for peace.  I doubt that we will see another window of opportunity like the one that is before us.  Strength and resolve brought us to this point.  Let’s not waste it.  The world will not know peace until the Lord returns, but in the meantime, let’s get behind making this one part of our planet safer for all of us. 

Sunday, June 3, 2018

White Privilege

What do you do when someone doggedly insists that because I am white, I am privileged above others?  What do you do when that precept governs everything and every word that the other person sends your way?  There are no factual instances or substantive basis for the accusations, but there are plenty of terms and lexicon to couch them within.  Some of these are derogatory and even racist.  What do you do when these become attacks and hate speech?

Firing back is one option, not the best, but perhaps the one desired by our sinful nature. There is some temporary satisfaction to be had.  I can hold mine own in a spitting contest, but what have I gained even if I win?

A second option has generally been to examine the provocation, no matter how ill-founded or hateful it may be.  Search for the truth.  So, I did some searching.  I read more on this subject in the past 48 hours than there is quality material to read.  I even ventured into the realm of white ‘splaining, and subsequently reviewed my dialogues with those insistent that I am both wrong and privileged just because I am white. 

I could find nothing paternalistic in my part of the discussion.  I did not try to dictate how others should think.  I found that I had done what I had done for years, presented my thoughts.  Some were challenging but not condescending and certainly not paternalistic.  To differ in opinion is not to supplant the provocation as irrelevant but to challenge it.  If we cannot challenge each other’s thoughts without claiming foul in every differing opinion, we have lost the art of iron sharpening iron. 

But, I did continue my self-examination.    I looked at the things that have shaped me.  At my age, not every life situation and life choice and human factor that might bear on privilege come to mind, but many did and so I put them into perspective as privilege.  Here we go.  These are not presented chronologically. 

White Privilege

I was privileged as a commissioned officer to have head of the line privileges in the mess hall and exchange as well as having end of the line privileges for chow when I was in the field, in case it ran out.
I was privileged to have lived in about 25 states and visited most of the rest.
I was privileged to know that my father rose early to go to work but had time for me when he got home.
I was privileged to watch my mother pay a taxi driver to get me to school every morning.  The bus stopped in front of my house, but I was not eligible to ride it because we lived in town.  The house across the street was outside the city limits.  It belonged to the richest people around.  Our house was actually farther from the school. We had one vehicle and my father left at zero dark thirty before I knew what zero dark thirty was.  I was too young to walk the two miles to school but not too young to see that we really could not afford the taxi ride every day.  I do not remember how I got home.
I was privileged to grow up wearing name brand shirts and jeans.  The name was “sale” or “half of half of half” if my mother didn’t make them for me.
I was privileged to visit uncles, aunts, and cousins each summer, hunt snakes, and tell stories until sometime after dark, and not worry my parents that something bad would happen.
I was privileged to live a block from the school in my older elementary days.  I watched missiles that my father worked on launch satellites into space, sometimes twice a day.
I was privileged to walk to the school in the summer as soon as the sun was up and make it home by nightfall and have everything baseball in between. 
I was privileged that there was always a plan for all of the kids to play a pick-up game regardless of the number.
I was privileged as a teen to have an agent who found me jobs in the summer.  That agent was my football coach and the jobs always involved lots of sore muscles and sweat. 
I was privileged to have a High School English teacher who ordered me to enter a writing contest and privileged not to question her authority.
I was privileged to take a graduate level history program as a sophomore that consisted completely of writing research papers and having the other 6 members of the class edit you paper as well as the professor.  It was a privilege to learn to write.
I was privileged to run the 6 plus miles from our house east of town to the high school starting before the sun rose, not because I had to, but because I was compelled to do it.
I was privileged to haul hay for 2 cents a bail, which included loading the hay into the highest and hottest reaches of many barns.
I was privileged to work the ground, plant a large garden, and bless neighbors with a good crop.
I was privileged to cut wood, chop wood, stack wood, and bring it inside to keep the fire going in the winter.  We lived in a house made out of granite.  It might have withstood an artillery barrage but wasn’t much for insulation.
 I was privileged that my father knew how to improve our situation every place that we lived.
I was privileged to pick up my fishing pole on any day there was still daylight left, walk to the lake, catch grasshoppers along the way for bait, and usually bring something home to eat that night.
I was privileged to work in a small-town market, stocking shelves, unloading trucks, bagging ice, cleaning the toilet, cutting meat, cleaning the meat saw—and living to tell about it, taking beer back to the cooler because the person trying to buy it was younger than me, using floor sweep, running the register, collecting on bad checks, rotating stock, and talking to the old man who came in every day because he had nowhere else to go.
I was privileged that when the power when out, I would bring water up to the house from the hand pump down by the spring.
I was privileged to be able to pay for my own college by working each semester.  Had I possessed a trace of Native American blood in me, college in Oklahoma would have been a free ride.  But I was privileged to pay my own way.  My family got me started, but I was privileged to have developed a solid work ethic by this point.
I was privileged to have driven a 1966 Ford station wagon to college, held together in many places by bailing wire and duct tape.  It was a luxury model with power windows that got stuck in the up position for the summer and in the down position for the winter.
I was privileged to have been able to walk just about everywhere I needed in college.
I was privileged to live in a dorm without air conditioning, functioning elevators, and people from many nations and cultures in the world who would gather faithfully to watch Star Trek and Mod Squad on the dorm’s single television.
I was privileged to be the dorm’s Runner-Up Champion in Pong.
I was privileged to make it through dozens of papers and reports with an Olivetti manual typewriter.  I was privileged to praise the Lord when I used my first word processer a few years after graduating college.  It was the size of an entertainment center in a huge man cave, but using it was a privilege.
It was a privilege to be part of the 1%, not the richest 1% that people seemed fixated on, the fewer than 1% who can call themselves Marines.  This was more than privilege.  This was honor.
It was a privilege to be in our nation’s capital for the bicentennial celebration.  Wow!
It was a privilege to have touched the moon rock at the Air and Space Museum.
It was a privilege to have visited the National Archives, every monument in our nation’s capital, and Arlington National Cemetery.
It was a privilege to come out of crawling under the slimiest much on the face of the earth to an atmosphere of smoke and haze and all manner of hellish sounds, to which those who have done it just say, ‘ The Quigley Special.”
It was a privilege to walk along a jungle trail at night and find a banana spider engulfing my face.  It was a privilege to know that my heart could beat that fast.
It was a privilege to have know men who gave the last full measure of devotion.
It was a privilege to have attended Amphibious Warfare School with the current Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and had the current Secretary of Defense as my commanding office in the last millennia. It is a privilege to know that both have fully given their lives to the security of this nation.
It was a privilege to have taken the Secretary General of the United Nations on a tour through the DMZ at the end of the first Gulf War.
It was a privilege to move my family from base to base every few years, changing schools and churches and friends for my children.
It was a privilege to cross Quadafi’s Line of Death just because we could.
It was a privilege to have been sent to evacuate noncombatants from Lebanon, only to be told, “Never mind” and then be back off the coast again a week later. 
It was a privilege to get up in the middle of the night to relieve my bladder and huge spiders run towards me mistaking my vibrations as that of their favorite meal, the camel.
It was a privilege to have seen the desert viper—a rattlesnake in Arabia with the horns of a devil.
It was a privilege to have lived at the base of Mount Fuji for almost three months and have seen the mountain’s tops only a handful of days during that time as clouds separated what was above from what was below.
It was a privilege to dispatch Marines to provide security for the Pope in the Philippines and as an honor guard at Presidents Nixon’s funeral in California.
It was a privilege to have spent almost a year at sea.
It was a privilege to get your own laundry back while aboard ship.
It was a privilege to be home on leave the day my father died very unexpectedly.
It was a privilege to get the employee discount at the Charlotte airport because the people at the food court saw me so much they decided that I had to work there.
It was a privilege to fly out of Albert J. Ellis Airport in Jacksonville, North Carolina, and hear, “We’re first in line for takeoff every time I got on a plane.”
It was a privilege to be on a run in the middle of the DMZ when a vehicle with a .50 caliber came racing across the sand towards me and when they arrived I said only Ana Amreeki—I am an American—and they turned tail and left.
It was a privilege in the last century to arrive at the Orlando Airport 15 minutes before my flight and have plenty of time.
It was a privilege in this century to have 4 hours between flights in Heathrow, undress three times at checkpoints, empty my carryon twice, and barely make my connecting flight.
It was a privilege to watch the bags determined by the Athens Airport Security to be unsafe, placed in the belly of my 747 ride home.
It is a privilege to answer a question that people ask again and again, perhaps just as a present to me.  How long does it take the average person to become a Marine?  Smiling like I had just been thrown a belt-high fastball, I replied:  Son, an average person will never become a Marine.
It was a privilege to go through about 40 miles of darkness in the middle of the day because of the smoke from burning oil wells at the end of the First Gulf War.
It was a privilege to have not been invited to the extinguishing of the last oil well, which had to be ignited after it was put out the first time so that the Emir of Kuwait could be there and watch it ceremoniously be extinguished in his presence.
It was a privilege to have dinner with a Russian officer for about six months in the Iraqi dessert who was probably GRU but might have been KGB.  It was a privilege to discuss privileged but never classified information and knowing what was unsaid but not saying that you knew.
It was a privilege to go into the Bank of Kuwait go get a couple hundred dollars to buy food for a couple weeks in the desert and see Kuwaiti ladies draw out stacks of hundred Dinar notes—maybe $30,000 for the day’s shopping.
It was a privilege to write “FREE” on a piece of mail while I was in Iraq and Kuwait.
It was a privilege that on more than a dozen occasions as a commissioned officer, I was the first to tell a mother or wife that her son had been killed.
It was a privilege to know that the people shooting my way were not shooting at me personally, or if they were, were terrible marksmen.
I was privileged to watch an army unit from Pakistan clear a minefield by sending the junior most soldiers into it probing with sticks.  This was after the war.  Nobody was under fire.  Equipment to do the job much more safely was available, but more expensive.
It was a privilege to conduct hundreds of preliminary inquiries, Congressional inquiries, JAGMAN investigations, and other formal investigations.
I was privileged to teach a thinking tool called OPV—other people’s views—to move beyond what are often very myopic perspectives.
It was a privilege to attend special training with the Special Forces in Fort Bragg, North Carolina so as to provide relief to these Green Berets and their unexpended repertoire of Marine jokes.
I was privileged to watch modern slavery in action in Southwest Asia as people from Bangladesh were imported as indentured servants and found dead on the curb if the terms of their indenture were not satisfactory to their owners.
It was a privilege to eat with the Omani Army stationed on the Kuwaiti side of the DMZ.  These were by far the most well trained of the local forces but during dinner, the medical officer was not allowed to eat with the Omani Officers because he was from Pakistan.  He accepted it as the way of the world.
It was a privilege to have flown so much on both United and American that the ladies working the counters on both the left and right coasts greeted me by name before I gave them my ticket.
It was a privilege to be worshiped by over 50 women in the middle of Kuwait City, realizing only later they were Kurds and knew the American Flag on my left shoulder as a sign of salvation.
It was a privilege to go to the village just outside of Um Qasr, Iraq that the United Nations had declared dangerous because the people would throw rocks at the UN vehicles.  I would go in, buy bread cooked in a stone oven, and have plenty of change for the kids that would swarm me.  What the UN never realized was the when the US 1st Division was present during the war, American soldiers did what they have always done.  They gave their candy and crackers to the kids.  When the US Army left and the UN came in, the kids were invisible to these international officers.  Less than two bucks for bread.  Two bucks for the kids.  Everyone was happy.
I was privileged to disarm a man of his mines and cluster bombs that he had gathered in the Wadi Al Batan after his arm was severed by one of the explosive devices a half-hour before.  The United Nations medivac chopper would not fly him to Basra with an armload of explosives.  Parting with them meant losing enough money in their sale value to feed his family for one, perhaps two months.  Saddam was paying civilians to recover mines and explosives from the desert.
It was a privilege to see half a dozen UN officers clapping and cheering as about a dozen or so Iraqi civilians had rescued the pitiful remains of an armored personnel carrier from its charred fighting hole somewhere in the DMZ and were on their way into Iraq to get paid for its salvage.
It was a privilege to see simple, hardworking people without political, religious, or racial agenda just trying to squeeze a living out of whatever they could in the Iraqi desert.
It was a privilege to work out at the Russian Gym at Patrol Base S-5, where a Russian officer had made an outdoor weight room out of axels and wheels from destroyed Iraqi vehicles, most of which had come from Russia.
It was a privilege to have been in the UN when the Soviet Union became the Former Soviet Union and overnight, 19 out of 20 Soviet officers ripped off their Hammer and Cycle Patches in favor of their nation’s patches. 
It was a privilege to have consoled the only officer who did not as he sat outside on wooden steps crying, “I liked being Soviet.”
It was a privilege to have taught 1350 forward deployed men the mandatory class on sexual harassment.  Every trainer needs to learn to hold his student's interest on a topic for which any immediate application was not foreseeable.
It was a privilege to carry a mirror on a telescopic shaft so that I could search my vehicle if I had been in Kuwait City or Dhahran or Safwan.  Occasionally, people who did not like Americans attached gifts on the underside.
It was a privilege to teach men who had been in prison much of their lives about efficacy and authority and see hope blossom before me.
It was a privilege to mentor men who had given up hope after their second or third incarceration that they could live outside the barbed fences.
It was a privilege to hear from these men reporting to me sometime after their release and after I had no professional relationship with them that they had stayed the course.
It was a privilege to connect on Facebook with some of these men who were doing good things with their lives, for their families, and for others.
It was a privilege to be called in the middle of the night to console parents who had met with me once years ago for financial help and who had lost a month-old child only an hour earlier. 
It was a privilege to be one of two white people in the town of Langas, population just under 2 million. In the greater Eldoret-Langas area, there were probably 8 light-skinned people out of 3.5 million.
It was a privilege to watch fathers drag their sons out to see you, point at you, and say:  Mzungu, meaning white people
It was a privilege to sit at the Ugandan-Kenyan border, passports and papers in order, but our host’s vehicle was not legal to drive.
It was a privilege to see the Roman Colosseum, Yokohama and Tokyo Towers, Mount Fuji,
It was a privilege to give the security workers in the Kenya Airport GOD LOVES YOU – LOVE ONE ANOTHER wristbands and launch into a conversation about Jesus Christ.
It was a privilege to give the security workers in the Heathrow Airport GOD LOVES YOU – LOVE ONE ANOTHER wristbands and have them search you again as suspicious.
It was a privilege to reenter the United States after a cruise and only later find out that I had butt-dialed—actually facetimed—my conversation with the porter helping us with our luggage.  It was indeed a privilege to find out that the broadcast conversation was on Calvin’s TULIP and had started with the GOD LOVES YOU – LOVE ONE ANOTHER wristbands that I gave him.
It was a privilege to receive emails from people all over the world who had worked on a cruise ship and I had given wristbands and my cards.
It was a privilege to go to Branson, Missouri for Spring Break and see children with GOD LOVES YOU – LOVE ONE ANOTHER wristbands.
It is a privilege to speak to the teachers at the beginning of the year about purpose.
It is a privilege to endure hundreds of hateful comments about breaking the vending machine knowing that the church is about relationships and inclusion.  We are transformational, not transactional.
It is a privilege when one of my contemporaries asks if they can just use one of my books for their sermon if they provide appropriate attribution and I can reply attribution is irrelevant.  The only condition is that it be to the glory of God.
It was a privilege to be a part of transitioning the local baccalaureate from a clergy-led to a student-led worship service with the pastors serving as mentors and advisors.
It is a privilege every time I see a child who never received much love in the home, somehow overcome and get a scholarship or find a home in the service.
It is a privilege every time during my walk home, I gather a crew of kids and we talk about Jesus, VBS, Camp, and other important life matters such as frogs and cooties.
It is a privilege every time that the kindergarten girls come into my office, close the door, and share the stresses of their lives, most of which involve some level of drama queen competition.
It is a privilege every time that I watch their mothers outside the window into the foyer wondering what secrets their children have revealed.
It is a privilege every time that someone stops me in the middle of the intersection to give me $50 for the backpack ministry.  Sometimes, I know who they are.
It was a privilege every time for some reason I felt compelled to go back into my office at some crazy hour only to be met by someone a few minutes later who was at the end of their rope.
It was a privilege as a young officer to have an editor that said cut 200 words without any explanation—an impossible task for such a short article—that when I finished I had improved the writing tenfold.
It is a privilege when I come across that one person in 22,000 that gets my quip, “Syntax is not a tariff on transgression.”
It was a privilege to have taught an 8-hour seminar on efficacy to inmates, beginning the extensive seminar at 4 a.m. so as not to be disrupted by prison announcements and movement and all manner of other distractions.  It was a privilege to watch newcomers arrive 10 minutes late mumbling, I didn’t think he was serious, while the old-timers just smiled.
It was a privilege to have taught thinking skills and creativity.
It was a privilege to have taught change management when the change paradigm changed.
It was a privilege to have been given two callings in one life.  The first as an Officer of United States Marines and the second as an ordained minister.  I kicked against the goads for a while on the latter.  Really, who would want the former as the latter.  God won.
It was a privilege to have gone from Mount Suribachi to the Hill of Calvary in spite of myself.
It is a privilege to be a child of God.
It is a privilege to be completely loved by God.
It is a privilege to be made whole by Christ Jesus.
It is a privilege to have received that which I could have never earned—right standing with God.
It is a privilege to fulfill the law by living out my salvation in love.
It is a privilege to sing, “My sin is gone, I’ve been set free.”
It is a privilege to proclaim that sin and death are defeated.
It is a privilege to look another person in the eye and tell them that God has never stopped loving them and never will.
It is a privilege to speak the truth in a spirit of love.
It is a privilege to stop whatever I am doing and pray because someone asked me to.
It is a privilege to not compare my life to what others have or do not have but to give my life fully to my Master.
It is a privilege not to complain about what is or is not fair or balanced but to do what God calls me to do in each situation.
It is a privilege not to be the judge.
It is a privilege to be on the playing field of discipleship instead of on the sidelines.
It is a privilege to belong to the Christ.
There may be some privilege that I have enjoyed because I am white, some known to me and other will never be fully known; but mostly I enjoy the privileges that I have know because I am blessed by God, was brought up in the way I should go by believing parents, and two of those ways were a solid work ethic and a hunger to be a lifelong learner.
Some of what I enumerated might not sound like privilege.  Really, breaking the news that your son is dead does not sound like a privilege.  That’s because so many equate the word privilege only with advantage.  I was privileged to be given the tough, sometimes totally undesirable jobs that require one to step far beyond any comfort zone. 
Did I have advantage over many of my peers?  Absolutely!  It was not because I was white it was because God had and has good plans for me—plans to prosper me and not to harm me.  Yes, what he told his people long ago he has given to me—hope and a future.
Part of that future goes through a few hundred investigations on top of my primary duty—investigations that prepared me to navigate a world full of hate and bias and perceptions so detached from reality that rebooting would seem the only option.
Part of that future involves writing books and lessons that may never see the bottom of the bestseller list but were placed on my heart by God, and I am privileged to publish them.
Part of that future involves visits to places where you do not want to buy real estate as well as those where you take an obnoxious number of pictures.
Many people of color that I knew had more money or scholarships or received promotions and coveted assignments because of their color, or sometimes gender.  Others did not, but what I was privileged to witness was the ability of so many of different skin colors to upend unfair circumstances by faith and perseverance.
I was truly privileged to know men and women who overcame incredible obstacles from poverty to literacy problems to addiction to a life without purpose and direction.  I am blessed to know that where you start does not have to determine what you achieve.
I saw in others and applied to my own life, the life-multiplier of purpose.  God-given purpose sets aside where we start—ahead or behind—and overcomes what cannot be overcome in our human perception.  Purpose will not permit doubt to prevail.  It will not lose focus. 
The man or woman of purpose is privileged beyond wealth and societal starting point.
I am privileged to know purpose.  I am blessed that it is God-given purpose.
I am privileged to no longer regard people in the ways of the world.  I still speak the truth in love—not in condemnation. 
I am privileged to return love for hate.  That is not easy much of the time.  God lets me know when to disconnect with someone intent on destruction of anyone and only desiring their own glory—to feel wise in their own eyes.
I am privileged to know that I am not always right and don’t have to be in order to be complete in God. 
I am privileged to have worked in the company of officers who can go toe-to-toe in a heated argument with onlookers wondering if the paint would peel from the walls, and then go for a 7 mile run with the same person 10 minutes later.
I am privileged to have worked with men and women who do not need sugar coating and pampering and find it disrespectful to treat them with such a coddling, cowardly attitude.
I am privileged to know many who discard whatever I say because of my race or my faith or the fact that I prefer complete sentences over texts and emojis.
I am privileged to take 3 or 4 week-long Sabbaticals each year as this mission that I am privileged to receive seldom works within the traditional order of a Sabbath.
I am privileged to have known self-pity and finalized my divorce with that unsavory creature.
I can live with being told that I am privileged because I am white.  I know that none of us can truly be totally objective and while I don’t put much credibility in such human absolutes as being wrong just because of my skin color; I accept the provocation to examine and reexamine my life. 
It is a practice that has been in place for a few decades.
For those entrenched in these absolutes, it discounts us both.  We will never converse to our mutual edification.  We cheat ourselves out the fullness of being brothers and sisters in Christ. 
I think a better word choice over privilege is loved.  I am loved.  I do my best to love others.
I think a better word choice over privilege is blessed.  God has blessed me not to put others at a disadvantage but so I can bless others.             
I think a better word choice over privilege is equipped.  I find myself equipped for more and more as I trust God with all of my heart and extract quality lessons from my other privileges in life.
But if I am privileged because I am white, I thank the Lord for his gift and petition him to generously grant me the wisdom to bless others through my gift.
I see so much effort expended on defining division without corresponding effort towards reconciliation.  I do not see reconciliation coming to this nation so long as we are fixed on labeling every offense with a special title.  Nomenclature can help learning.  Labeling stifles it.
We have a God of reconciliation but stubbornly resist resolving our differences in favor of strengthening our defenses.  The more we defend the labels that we put on people, the more we become anchored to our position and reconciliation gets kicked off of the day’s to-do list.
So if I am blessed because I am white or because my parents brought me up in the way I should go or because the Corps said take the hill and that mindset makes me more direct and less compromising in my language, then I will take the talents that I have been given and put them to use at once.  I will take whatever has been given to me and produce a return for my Master.  I will press on towards the goal until that day I hear, Well done, good and faithful servant.
That said, I know that most people won’t know how to take me.  Many of the supervisors that I have worked for have said that they have never had anyone who challenged the status quo so much.  I replied that I didn’t challenge the status quo.  I challenged complacency and ambivalence. I challenged things done half-heartedly.  I challenged people not standing by their word.
In fairness, in many organizations, those things are the status quo.
I don’t coddle grown men and women.  When they use demeaning tactics and name-calling, I am confrontational, not by doing the same but by challenging them to stick to the facts of their case and not to resort to hatefulness. 
I am not welcomed in gossip sessions, for people know that I will say, Well, let’s just ask them…
So when people say, White Privilege to me, I reply, Give me some specifics.  Don’t throw labels at me.  Let’s talk specifics.  Perhaps, I have a lumberyard in my eye.  Help me find it!  Don’t just slap a label on me and expect the Medal of Freedom.
Don’t project your experience and your intent into my words.  If you see me about to step into traffic and get run over, don’t shout: “Stupid!”  The Lord said don’t try to trip up those already disadvantaged by blindness or deafness.  If I am truly blind to something, I don’t need labels thrown at me, I need a guide.
Or, shout whatever you want if your intent is confrontation for the point of producing divisiveness or vitriol, but don’t expect me to value words anchored in hate no matter how you label them.
Is this the end of the story?  No, self-examination and examination with an accountability partner are good practices for the life-long learner—for the disciple who has taken his Master’s yoke and wants to learn from him.  But this is enough for now in this matter.  I have done my due diligence, asked for assistance from the one slapping labels on me (which brought about his silence) and have my eyes fixed on Jesus.
If there was a lumberyard in my eye, I needed it removed; but as I can not find it in my own examination, my accuser has refused to help, and I am on a mission from God—this rabbit trail ends here.  I will not be chastised that I was running a good race and some cut me off.
Eyes fixed on Jesus, the Author and Finisher, Pioneer and Perfecter of my faith!


Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Please forgive my adolescent child...

Dear World,

Please forgive my adolescent child, the United States of America.  It’s been a tough few decades but the last several years have been, by far, the worst.  Who would have thought that puberty would have been so tough for this child once known as the land of the free and the home of the brave?

What?  Those words are offensive.  Oh!

My child—this nation for which I have such great hope—rejects all that is good and holy.  Authority is to be rejected at every turn.  Selfishness is the order of the day.

Standing guidance that has served the family well for years—the Bible and the Constitution—are kicked to the curb without any regard for the consequences.

We don’t stand for our own symbol of freedom in a quest to ensure freedom for all, or is it for more money?  I can’t remember.

We can no longer tell male from female and think that’s a better way. 

Boys and girls decide for themselves if they want to be a boy or girl without regard to the equipment package issued at birth.

People can decide their own nationality based on, well, whatever.  Today, I feel Native American.  No wait, I am surely Hispanic or maybe Polish.  It’s not fair that they won’t let me be a unicorn.

Laundry detergent has been used to speed the brainwashing process. 

Nasal cavities are flossed with condoms.

We tell private businesses that they must conform to the public demand, unless the public demands that we leave our favorite businesses to mind their own business and don’t meddle in their affairs.

Conservative values are always wrong, and usually the grounds for a hateful protest.

Foul-mouthed children rule our homes.

Parents disrespect educators who inherit the anti-authority mindset in students.

Violent video games provide the moral boundaries of this time.

We get more excited about legalizing marijuana than we do teaching our children to read and write.

We think everything should be free and nobody should have to work.  This one might be related to the previous statement in that some have not waited for legalization.

Babies with heartbeats in their mother’s wombs are discarded with the weekly garbage, unless they can be scrapped for medical parts.

Love one another gets kicked to the curb for Black, Blue, or whatever color lives matter this week.  We can’t just say that all life is sacred or we would be conflicted about this baby-killing thing.

A rifle that kills a dozen people is evil but an organization that kills half a million a year is worthy of our tax dollars.

We get into fights all over the globe thinking we are the good guys and then can’t figure out why we overlooked two dozen other ever-so-similar situations.  When it’s all said and done, we don’t know how to get out of the messes we dived head first into.

We spend our grandchildren’s money before they have a say in it. They won’t need student loans to be in debt.  They will be born into it.

On top of all this, we have given our child a learner’s permit.  This is not for a vehicle.  This is for social media.  We can’t use it with any civility and we can’t leave it alone.  Misery must truly love company as our neighbor to the north is addicted as well.  They tout themselves as the hemisphere’s consultant.  In any case, it could be a hundred years or more before anyone learns how to drive this monstrosity and gets licensed.

Please be patient with my child, the United States of America.  Pray that it’s just a phase of pimples and puberty and one day we will get back to being a light for the rest of the world.

Thank you for your patience.

Friday, April 6, 2018

A Good Read

A Good Read

I re-read an old favorite of mine just because I picked it up again.  I guess you would call it a political thriller, though some might not find it so exciting.  It doesn't have the high tech warfare you might find in a Tom Clancy novel, but it is set forth in a time like our own when the political situation is somewhat tenuous.  There has been significant battle and bloodshed to this point, but the real struggle is more Machiavellian in nature.  I doubt that you will see this one in movie form.  Harrison Ford, Brad Pitt, and Demi Moore are not knocking at the door for lead roles.  This work would just be too tough to cast.   While the power struggle remains the same, the cast involved in that struggle changes too frequently to accommodate Hollywood egos and budgets.   This is one of those classics where the struggle itself is much greater than any single protagonist or villain.  It has a certain Shakespearean allure not only because of the intricacies of the power struggle, but because like the English Playwright's works, there is some question as to whether or not this one has a single author.

A good work always has conflict.  A great work intricately ties in not only a struggle between good and evil, but struggles among noble causes as well.  Quests for perfection, justice, or tranquility cause the reader to yearn for the next line or next page with the same or even greater anxiousness contained in a well spun mystery.  Shared existential risk balanced against noble ideas such as protecting the welfare of others--even the liberty of another generation--increases the drama of each successive word.  You won't buy the Cliff's Notes for this one.  The commentaries and reviews far exceed the length of the work itself.  You will, however, remember a line or two from this one, whether you have read it or not.  It begins, "We The People…"

Yes, this political thriller is the Constitution of the United States of America.  It is about a struggle for power, and like most political thrillers, that struggle is established by the authors themselves.  The authors recognized that power was indeed a corrupting force.  Power vested in a single man or woman could be used to promote domestic tranquility, or just as capriciously could be used to enslave the governed.  In this good versus evil genre, the authors knew that no single individual could overcome the temptations of power.  Their noble causes of domestic tranquility, common defense, and securing the blessing of liberty required that power not be permitted to consolidate in a single individual.  They set up accommodations for continued power struggles and inefficiency and by so doing offered no lodging for tyranny.

Our republic is based upon democratic premises tempered with state's rights.  The safeguards of the Constitution are vested in separation of powers not only at the federal level, but between the federal government and the states, with still more rights or liberties reserved directly to the people.  The more perfect union is a union of separate states.  The Electoral College may appear to be archaic, but it is representative of the distributive nature of power allocation in our system.  The Constitution is not a model designed for efficiency.  Instead, it is designed for the preservation of representative government.

The greatest fear of the founding fathers was tyranny.  That tyranny could come in the form of a popular president unwilling to relinquish his office or an Oliver Cromwell emerging from the legislature.  It could also come from the tyranny of mob rule.  We would like to think that we have outgrown the need for the protection from the tyranny of mob rule.  Before we acclaim ourselves so enlightened, we should first take stock of our emotional nature.  The single greatest threat to our nation is our intolerance of its inefficiency and imperfections.  Our emotional outcry for efficiency and certainty is an offer to have tyranny as our guest.  Before we decide that we have reached the point where we need to reinvent the whole government (yes, the founding fathers even had the sagacity to see that.  Read the Second Amendment), we should take the time to see why this one works the way it does.   If nothing else comes of accepting my invitation to this small investment of time, it should at least move the Constitution to the best seller list.  It's a good read. 

Wednesday, April 4, 2018

If you want new lawmakers, the time is now!

Here is my take on the whole education funding and teacher raise business.  We are upside down.  We look to the lottery, casino fees, and cigarette taxes to fund what is likely the most important priority in the state.  I have no objection to these revenue-generating approaches.  What I object to is that our top priority is not funded out of the general revenue and some lesser priority is required to rely upon these other approaches.  We are upside down.

Our representatives don’t see this.  They need to be replaced.  Your vote matters, but there must be qualified candidates that are also unselfish. They must seek the common good and have the leadership and administrative acumen to not only take care of education but to appropriate funds for other state functions in accordance with priorities that make sense. 

Many teachers say they might jump into a race.  It’s not the first time that Oklahoma educators said they would throw their hats in the ring.  That’s great, but they must be able to not only stand for education but do the complete job.  They must stand for reasoned priorities.  Fixing education and leaving everything else a mess is not the answer.  The criteria for the next slate of legislators must be unselfishness, the ability to prioritize, and a demonstrated desire for the good of the state.  Watch out for any candidate that has a campaign heavily funded by any one group.  The good of the whole state means a broad range of support during a campaign.

The state is in a mess and brinkmanship solutions are seldom the best, but that’s where we are now.  November is almost here.  Campaigns take more than just filing, which by the way is just a few days away and has only a short window. 

Marching and shouting and posting all over social media can get attention but efficacy requires a candidate who is qualified, determined to do the best for the state, and organized.  Many lawmakers are reelected because nobody gets their ducks in a row in time.  If we want better education in our state, people of good character and proven leadership abilities need to file within the next few days.

That’s life in the 21st century.  The time is now for replacing our complacent lawmakers.

Saturday, March 10, 2018

Farewell to the Party of the People

We have greatly benefited that in our republic, we have maintained two viable parties for many decades.  We have lived through temporary gridlock, presidential scandals, congressional scandals galore, financial abundance and drought, war, periods between wars, civil rest and unrest, and opportunities beyond the comprehension of most of the world.

Today, however, we see the unraveling of society within the republic, and one party—the Democratic party—not only celebrating but participating and driving so much of this.  My concern is that the Democratic party as we know it is done. 

I have always been conservative, leaning to the point of being libertarian; but I know that a counter-balance is essential in a free society.  That left-leaning counter is about to implode.

How can I say that when the Tea Party obstructed many centrist movements for half a dozen years?  Because the libertarian efforts did not advocate lawlessness.  For the first time in modern U.S. History, a major political party is advocating lawlessness.  It is the Democratic party.

The mainstream members of the party may not subscribe to what the extremes of the party are advocating, but neither are they objecting.  Choose your gender and nationality, no penalties for threatening behavior in school, give safe harbor to those who have broken the law (the fact that you don’t like the law does not void the law).  Every day I see something that goes beyond disagreement, it is sickening and endorsed by what my parents knew as the party of the people, not to mention that the democratic process of the Democratic party was highjacked from within in the last presidential election.

I believe that most people who have registered Democrat don’t support the fringes that have commandeered the party, but neither can they reign in the radical elements.  Given a choice between supporting a party that suborns lawlessness or seeking political representation elsewhere, I think most Americans will choose the latter.  It likely will not be a conservative-leaning but perhaps a new party with a left-leaning center.  This was once the democratic party.  Now those who long for such a party may have to start anew.

You might think that would be a conservative’s dream.  It is not.  I think that the conservatives of this nation will do very well in the November elections.  A lot of people don’t seem to like President Trump very much, but I think they dislike the thoughts of lawlessness, disrespect for all authority, and setting aside the family as the primary governing force in raising children even more.  At least I pray that the mainstream left (not an oxymoron) still loves America and wants good things for their children and grandchildren.

The problem is that conservatives will likely have a very large majority in legislatures in Washington and state capitals by year’s end.  They will not even need to consult those leaning anywhere left of center to enact legislation, support far-reaching executive orders, and squash initiatives that are not very much right of center.

The Democratic party has a dilemma.  Support the destroy Trump agenda at the cost of supporting lawlessness or work with the man they love to hate and the Republican party.  Let’s take immigration. 

What President Trump proposed at the State of the Union Address was the most balanced approach to fixing the immigration problem in this nation that I have seen in my lifetime.  It was very centrist, perhaps too left-leaning for many conservatives, but the only real proposal for a long-term solution that incorporated a humanitarian fix for the decades of refusing to address the issue. 

The left won’t adopt this because of their anti-Trump and anti-America positions (Yes, I know their stated reasons, but it’s all driven by the destroy Trump agenda).  And, it will kill the party that was once known as the party of the people.

If the Democratic party continues on its extremist and anti-American course, the remnant will watch massive deportations of immigrants because they are here illegally.  No new laws are required.  They already exist.  The path to citizenship for an illegal immigrant as our current president has proposed will be off the table.  No such bill will even make it to his desk.

What is to be done?  Work with the president and Republican party and work for America and do it now.  Hatred of one man cannot prevail when America needs statesmen not anarchy. 

Yes, President Trump has many chinks in his armor.  Quit reading the redacted versions of history.  So did all.  Yes, I did say all.  If you liked the president, then his transgressions seemed minor.  If you didn’t, then they were signs of that the second coming of Christ was only days away.  All presidents fell short of the glory of God, and even of their party, and even of the perceived honor of the office.  None were perfect.  All had significant flaws.

But, through such flawed men, this nation has accomplished much.  We have done it with a two-party system that found creative balance not banality, negotiated options not obstinance, and did so with valor not vitriol. 

There is a near balance among our lawmakers now but there is little progress.  A destroy the president and America while you are at it philosophy helps no one and attracts only those desiring the destruction of liberty and the dominance of darkness in the world.

If Americans don’t stop listening to the fringes and those advocating lawlessness, we will see a swing to the far right before we have a chance at balance again.  I support a conservative approach to government, but I know that a counter-balance is needed. 

That counter-balance has surrendered to absurdity.  I don’t want to say my farewells to the party once called the party of the people, but unless they immediately embrace the law of the land and start working for American instead of the destruction of one man, then goodbye to you.  I would say it was nice knowing you, but I haven’t known you for a long time.

Monday, February 26, 2018

Fair Trade?

Let’s move this gun business along quickly.  Let’s repeal the 2nd and 4th Amendments to start with.
Hold your constitutional horses!  What’s the 4th Amendment got to do with guns?  I just want to change the law—OK, the Supreme Law of the land—to take away protection for guns.
You don’t need a Constitutional Amendment for that.
No?  Really?
In fact, you don’t have to do anything.  Guns have no protection.  The 2nd Amendment protects the right of the people.  Our Constitution protects the rights of people, not things or places.  These first few amendments protect people.
But what’s this 4th Amendment business?
It protects people as well.  It secures the right to be secure in their persons, houses, papers and effects against unreasonable searches and seizures.  It’s tied in closely with the 3rd Amendment that says that the government can’t just start quartering soldiers in your house. 
I’m missing the connection with the 2nd Amendment.
If we take all the guns from those whom currently are guaranteed them as an individual right necessary to the security of a free state, that means we are relying solely upon our government for security and liberty.
Sure.  What’s wrong with that?
Nothing, unless you are ready to surrender in short order all forms of privacy.  The government will provide for the continuation of the government.  It will capriciously search any and all information that previously belonged to you--all with good reason, of course.  Security and safety will be their mantra.  They will place enforcement officials wherever they want, to include your homes.  Privacy as you know it will be gone.  Liberty will be something you can only read about in history books, until they too are prohibited or at least redacted.
That’s just crazy.  We would vote out anyone who took away those rights from us.
And if they suspended elections in the name of security.
We would not let them do that.
How would you stop them?
With protests.
And when those were outlawed?
We have the right to protest.
Today you do.  Will you still have it when the people are no longer capable of taking back their government when it has ceased to be their government?
That could never happen. 
You are entitled to that belief.  I hope you will search through the history of humankind and see what happens when power is unchecked.
Are you telling me that the 2nd Amendment is part of the checks and balances process?
No.  It is not a part it is the sine qua non of that process.
This self-government business is tough business. 
We can agree on that.  The question is are we dedicated to preserving the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity?
That sounds familiar.
It should, it’s from the Preamble to the Constitution—good stuff—if you are into liberty and opposed to government having too much power over you.
But, and this is a big but, is the price that we pay for the right to bear arms too high?
That is the heart of the question.  How high of a price are we as Americans willing to pay to preserve liberty?  And how do we measure this price?
That last one is easy.  We measure it in lives lost. 
Fair enough.  There are metrics available for that.  Should we just look at school and church shootings are all gun deaths.
All.  Definitely all. 
OK, sounds good.  The CDC reports that there is an average of 33,000 deaths per year in this country due to firearms.
Wow!  That should be convincing enough in itself.
That is a big number by anyone’s measure.  Before I jump on this bandwagon based upon numbers, I must ask if you are in favor of slavery?
What?  Are you crazy?  Nobody is in favor of slavery.  I think slavery is an abomination to the human spirit. 
I agree.
So why do you bring such a bizarre question into this discussion?
Because despite the very exceptional efforts of our Founding Fathers in drafting our Constitution, they did not guarantee liberty to all.  There was a movement to rid this new nation of slavery during the Constitutional Convention, but it could not garner enough support.
But we fixed it later.
Yes, we did.  Were you glad that we did?
Of course!  Who wouldn’t be!  You can’t just deny a certain group of people liberty.
No?  I think that you can, and we had done just that for almost a century as an independent nation.  Slavery was the order of the day in many states.
Yes, but Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation set the slaves free.
At what price?
What do you mean?
We are measuring the cost of liberty in lives, are we not?
How many American lives were lost in the Civil War?
Well, I don’t know, let’s say a bunch.
Bananas come in bunches.  Civil War casualties come in the hundreds of thousands.  I think the conservative estimate is 618,000.  Other estimates push 700,000.
Those were not all from firearms.
Correct.  About one-third to one-half were killed in during the course of the battle.  About another third due to infection and disease that followed being wounded.  There were—as always in battle—some non-combat casualties.  But the direct and indirect number of deaths from guns was pushing half a million.  That’s a big number.
Yes, but that’s war.
Yes, a civil war with nearly all casualties being American.
But, it’s still war.
It was a war with the liberty of some Americans at stake.  Was it worth the price paid in American blood?
Who can answer that?
I will rephrase.  Would you be content to be an American and have a segment of the population that was still enslaved today?
No.  Of course not.  But I don’t think slavery would have continued this long.  The world is changing.  Slavery is not acceptable.
Again, I suggest a review of history and current events.  There is still slavery in the world.  It might be called indentured servitude, but it is modern slavery.
Yeah, OK, but we would have gotten rid of it here by now.
So, instead of a violent civil war, you would have just let things run their course for another 100 or 150 years until people saw the light and the commercial interests of slave owners would give way to public opinion?
That’s not fair.  How can you ask me to decide that?
You don’t have to.  Others decided it was worth the very high price.  Your decision is how high of a price are we as a free people willing to pay to preserve liberty in this modern century?
But so many victims are innocent.  They did not deserve to die.
That is beyond discussion.  So many lives have been taken maliciously.  We are in total agreement.
So, what are we to do?  Is there no other way than protecting guns?
Remember, our Constitution does not protect guns but…
People.  I understand.  I get it.  I also get that the other protections guaranteed to the people might fall as well if the ultimate protection—to kick an unjust government to the curb forcibly if needed—was surrendered.  But, I can’t stomach the violence anymore.  What course of action is left to us?
For the past half-century, we have ignored the problem and cried out against the symptoms of our national disease.
We don’t value life as something sacred anymore.
Life is a gift from God.  It is special.  It is beyond special.  It is sacred.  We must value life from the womb to old age.
You mean our thoughts and prayers are with you.  I’m tired of hearing that.
Those words do get old after a while, especially, when nothing is done to treat the disease.  Those words are the best that we can do if we choose to continue to ignore the real problem.
Valuing life?
Do we need a law?
We have plenty of laws.  In fact, we surely have more than we need.
So what do we need?
Love.  We need to commit to loving one another.  This is God’s model.
Do you still want to keep your guns and love one another?
It would be wonderful to see the day when we turn our weapons into farm implements and pruning shears.
You mean swords into plowshares.  Not all gun control people are biblically lacking.
But until that time…
I will stand vigilant against all enemies, foreign and domestic.  The latter has not reared its ugly head to the point that the election process has become obsolete, but I would prefer to be ready and provisioned if it does.
But is it worth the cost?

Good question.  What’s your answer now?